(503) 766-7858
Portland Adult Day Care
3150 NE 82nd Ave.
Portland, OR 97220
A place to make new friends, enjoy food and beverages, have discussion groups, play games, participate in contests and take home daily prizes. A great comfortable place for seniors to be.
Adult Day Care
Social Activity Center
Portland Adult Day Care believes that social activities are critical in creating balance in one's health. Our objective is to provide a comfortable and caring facility where people can feel assured that they will receive the attention and kindness that participants deserves while engaging them in fun activities such as tables games, arts and crafts, contests, holiday parties, meals/snacks, prizes, and much more. We are dedicated to bringing a positive social setting where everyone can be part of. Come join us today!
Social Activity
* Table games * Exercise to music * Arts and Craft
* Trivia * Singing * Contest and Prizes
* Holiday Parties, Birthday Parties, Regular Parties * Backyard Picnics * ESL class, Computer class, Smartphone Class
Specialist Services
We will provide meals, snacks, and beverages for all participants. We believe in making social activities fun. Our staff is dedicated and compassionate and can provide great care to our participants.
2 hr
Consultation Meeting